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2024 Ecommerce Strategies for Large Catalog Brands

By Miva | May 21, 2024

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For large catalog ecommerce stores, the online marketplace presents both opportunities and challenges. With a wide range of products, capturing customer interest while managing to boost sales can be daunting. Large catalog brands often struggle to stand out in a crowded online marketplace and communicate the value of their product offerings to their customers. These challenges can make it difficult to capture customer interest and boost sales.  

If you also struggle with this, it's time to rethink your digital commerce strategy. Here are five ways to maximize your large catalogs and increase sales for your online store in 2024.  

1. Unleash the Power of Personalization

According to McKinsey research, businesses today can unlock a potential 40% increase in revenue through personalization. This is a significant opportunity that we, as consumers, can all relate to. Imagine the convenience of finding and purchasing the products we need, tailored to our preferences. This can be the difference between gaining a loyal customer and missing out on a potential sale.  

Let's start with first-party data and its immense power for personalization. First-party data is the data that you collect directly from your customers, either through their interactions with your website or through surveys and loyalty programs. It's valuable because it's specific to your business and your customers. By tapping into this data, you can develop a profound understanding of your customer segments and tailor your ecommerce marketing messages to their needs and preferences. 

Here are some examples of ways to integrate first-party data into your ecommerce business strategy to enhance personalization at every stage of the customer journey: 

Awareness: During the awareness stage, use first-party data to target potential customers with tailored content based on their browsing behavior or demographics. For instance, if a customer has been browsing athletic wear, you could showcase targeted ads for new running shoes or activewear collections, just like Nike does with its personalized ads. 

Consideration: As customers move into the consideration stage, leverage purchase history and browsing behavior to suggest complementary products or highlight features relevant to their past searches. Imagine a customer who has viewed several cameras; you could showcase recommendations for memory cards, tripods, or camera bags based on their interests. 

Decision: First-party data can inform targeted promotions and discounts during the decision stage. For instance, customers who have abandoned carts can be retargeted with special offers or reminders about the abandoned items. 

Retention: Don't forget about your existing customers! Leverage first-party data to personalize loyalty programs, recommend new products based on past purchases, and offer exclusive rewards to drive repeat business. 

2. Organize Your Catalog

A well-organized catalog is the backbone of any successful ecommerce strategy, but for large brands with vast product offerings, it becomes even more critical. Catalog management refers to the process of creating, organizing, enriching, and maintaining product information across all your sales channels. This includes everything from product descriptions and specifications to high-quality images and accurate inventory data. 

Here's why catalog management is essential for large brands: 

  • Customer Experience: A well-organized catalog with clear product information makes it easy for customers to find what they need. Effective search functionality, navigation, and product descriptions all contribute to a positive customer experience.  
  • Conversion Rates: Customers who can easily find the products they're looking for are more likely to convert. Clear and concise product descriptions with relevant details can address buying concerns and nudge customers toward making a purchase. 
  • Costs: Inefficient catalog management can lead to errors, inconsistencies, and wasted resources. A well-structured catalog minimizes the need for manual updates and ensures accurate product information across all platforms, reducing operational costs. 
  • Sales: By making it easier for customers to find the right products, a well-managed catalog can lead to increased sales and improved brand reputation. 

Here are two easy ways to ensure your catalog is shopper-friendly and not confusing: 

  1. Centralize your product data using a Product Information Management (PIM) system. This will ensure consistency, accuracy, and detailed product descriptions across all platforms.
  2. Implement intuitive search functions with faceted navigation and filters. This will allow customers to easily find what they need by category, brand, price, or specific features.

3. Craft an Experience that Wows

In today's competitive landscape, a good product page is no longer enough. You need to create an immersive experience that not only entices but also informs. Let's explore how to craft an experience that wows your customers: 

Pictures speak louder than words, so ditch those pixelated images. Invest in top-quality product photos and 360° views, and why not explore AR/VR experiences? Let customers virtually "try on" clothes, visualize furniture in their homes, and scrutinize product details in crystal-clear quality.   

And don't forget your product descriptions. Effective copy—whether written by hand or by an AI-powered product description generator—is essential to your e-commerce strategy. 

Additionally, to excel across all channels, your brand experience needs to be seamless. Whether it's the mobile app, desktop, or in-store kiosks, ensure a smooth journey by adopting an omnichannel approach. Customers should seamlessly transition between devices and touchpoints, picking up right where they left off. 

Bonus 2024 Ecommerce Strategies to Impress Shoppers: 

  • Subscription boxes with a twist: Subscription boxes are a tried-and-true method, but consider adding a curation element. Allow customers to personalize their box selections based on preferences or past purchases. 
  • Sustainability as a brand value: Today's consumers are increasingly eco-conscious. To resonate with this growing demographic, highlight your brand's sustainability efforts, from eco-friendly packaging to ethical sourcing.  

By implementing these strategies, brands can create a more personalized, engaging, and efficient shopping experience for their customers in 2024. This will not only increase sales but also build customer loyalty and brand advocacy. 

4. Don’t Forget Logistics

We can't get into the top strategies of ecommerce without mentioning logistics. Fast and reliable shipping is no longer a bonus, it's an expectation. But logistics go beyond just speed.  

Ecommerce fulfillment encompasses the entire order fulfillment process, from picking and packing to shipping and delivery. An optimized fulfillment strategy can significantly enhance customer experience and drive conversions on your ecommerce website. 

Here's how to transform your logistics strategy from a behind-the-scenes operation into a conversion powerhouse: 

  • Shipping: Offer a variety of flexible shipping options with clear timelines and competitive pricing. Consider same-day or next-day delivery for specific regions to stand out — but we can't emphasize the value of understanding your customer base enough. We can't all be Amazon and offer free shipping that arrives the same day. If a significant portion of your clientele values speed over cost, prioritizing expedited shipping options might be a strategic move. 
  • Transparency: Provide real-time order tracking and clear communication about shipping timelines. Customers appreciate knowing exactly where their package is and when they can expect it to arrive. This reduces anxiety and fosters trust in your brand. 
  • Returns: Make returns as easy and painless as possible with clear instructions and pre-paid shipping labels. A streamlined return process demonstrates customer focus and builds confidence in your brand. 

By focusing on efficiency, transparency, and customer convenience, you can transform your logistics strategy from a cost center to a key driver of online sales and customer satisfaction. Remember, a seamless and positive fulfillment experience can turn one-time buyers into loyal brand advocates. 

5. Embrace the Future of Shopping

The ecommerce landscape is constantly evolving, and early adopters reap the rewards. Here are two emerging trends to consider incorporating into your ecommerce marketing strategy: 

  1. Voice commerce is becoming increasingly popular: With the rise of voice assistants like Alexa and Google Home, the way people shop is evolving. To tap into this growing market, consider integrating your platform for voice search and voice-enabled ordering.  
  1. Social commerce is on the rise: Social media platforms are no longer just for browsing and connecting; they're becoming powerful shopping destinations. Platforms like Instagram and Pinterest are integrating social commerce features that allow users to discover products, click through to product pages, and even make purchases directly within the social media app. 

Brands are leveraging social media influencers to promote products, partner with platforms for social shopping campaigns, and utilize shoppable content formats like live streams and product tagging in posts. This brings us to another trend you should keep an eye on—and we dare you to try this year. 

  1. Livestream shopping is gaining momentum. This interactive format involves influencers or brand representatives showcasing products and interacting with viewers in real time. It creates a sense of community and excitement, driving sales and brand engagement.

Power Your Ecommerce Strategies 

The ecommerce landscape is constantly in flux, presenting both challenges and exciting opportunities for large catalog brands. By implementing the strategies outlined in this blog—personalization, catalog management, a captivating customer experience, efficient logistics, and embracing new trends—you can harness the power of your vast product offerings and transform them into conversion powerhouses. 

However, successfully executing these strategies requires the right foundation. Here's where the evolving role of your ecommerce platform comes into play. A modern ecommerce platform should be more than just a storefront; it should be a strategic partner that empowers you to implement your ecommerce strategic plan seamlessly. 

Look for an ecommerce platform that offers the following benefits: 

  • Good customer data management is important. The platform should collect, store, and analyze customer data for personalized marketing. 
  • When integrated with your platform, a flexible PIM system keeps product information consistent, accurate, and rich across all channels. 
  • The platform should be user-friendly for customers shopping on a computer, phone app, or in-store kiosks. It should be easy for customers to navigate and make purchases. The shopping experience should be seamless across all devices. 
  • As your business grows and ecommerce trends change, your platform should be able to grow and scale with you. 

By choosing the right ecommerce platform, you can unlock the full potential of your ecommerce tactics and strategies and stay ahead of the curve in the ever-changing world of online retail. Remember, the right platform is not just a tool; it's an investment in the future success of your brand. So, equip yourself with the best tools and embrace the exciting possibilities that ecommerce holds! 

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Miva offers a flexible and adaptable ecommerce platform that evolves with businesses and allows them to drive sales, maximize average order value, cut overhead costs, and increase revenue. Miva has been helping businesses realize their ecommerce potential for over 20 years and empowering retail, wholesale, and direct-to-consumer sellers across all industries to transform their business through ecommerce.

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