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Download PDFPinterest now offers two separate types of accounts, one for personal use and the other specifically for business accounts. Pinterest realized the importance of creating business accounts and created a separate set of terms and conditions in order to better provide businesses with the ability to pin from their websites. They are offering free tools and resources and will continue to include promotional options as businesses continue to join the Pinterest community.
How to Create a Pinterest Business Page
By signing up on their business site, you can specify your business name instead of your full name. Already have an account for your business? You can easily convert it by following these 3 easy steps:
1. Go to
2. Press the big red button that says, “Convert your existing account”
3. Congratulations, you have converted your personal page to a business page.
If you’d like to keep your personal account and create a new business page you can do so by visiting and clicking on the “New to Pinterest? Join as a business” button.
Don’t worry, all of your pins and followers will be exactly as they were. The benefit of converting to a business page is that it will give you new widgets, educational material, and a foundation for future potentially paid promotions. It will also make it easier for you to create a presence for your business online, with the backing of Pinterest to help you do so.
Once you have created or converted your business account, Pinterest will take you to install the Pin It Bookmarklet. You will also be prompted to drive traffic from your website to Pinterest and from your Pinterest account to your website by adding the Pin It & Follow Buttons.
New Terms of Service for Businesses on Pinterest
There are now two separate sets of Terms of Service for personal accounts and businesses. Cat Lee, Product Manager at Pinterest explains the need for two separate terms in the company blog. “The business terms help guide businesses on how to use Pinterest. They also enable us to separate the provisions meant for businesses from those meant for regular people. As a result, we updated our user terms to be half as long. We also took the opportunity to simplify the language as much as possible. Unfortunately, terms of use are one of those documents that require a certain amount of legalese, so we’ve offered ‘translations’ of these sections, too.” Keep in mind that anything you post on Pinterest may be used by other users who can change, redistribute, and reuse your content posted.
Pinterest Helps You to Succeed
Case Studies, What Works, Guides & Documentation
See how others are doing it: Pinterest created a business page to help your company get the most out of Pinterest marketing. Here you will find case studies of successful businesses, best practices and examples to follow, as well as guides for marketing materials.
By continuing to expand their platform to include businesses, this hot social media site confirms that it is an important one to jump on if you want to keep up with the competition.
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