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Miva CEO Rick Wilson shares an update on our response to COVID-19

By Miva | March 26, 2020

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To our entire Miva team, customers, partners, and friends,

As we continue to navigate some very uncertain times, I want to keep the lines of communication wide open and update you on the latest from Miva HQ.

The truth is, we got lucky. Our annual MivaCon convention had already been in the works for the past 12 months. This event involves an enormous amount of planning and care—we already had our ears to the ground for this reason and as a result were paying incredibly close attention to events in China as soon as they started being reported.

Upon making the decision to postpone the conference until later in the year, we were able to very swiftly redirect the same resources which had been devoted to MivaCon towards moving our workforce to remote work.

Within 2 weeks, we had successfully transitioned the entire 130-person team out of the office. The move has been very successful. Thanks to Zoom and Slack, we are able to keep in constant contact. Managers have been incredible at coordinating work and communication, and our productivity has been excellent. Clients are being served without any interruption and our workers are safe and supported.

We were fortunate because we had our eye on the ball, and I am deeply grateful for that. It’s impossible to overstate my respect and awe for the professionalism and compassion of our team during this time. I wish the same for all of the businesses and partners we work with year-round.

Looking ahead, while much is unknown there are still many factors which help us plan and remain optimistic. First, by looking to China, we see that a successful mitigation of spread has taken about 3 months. There are early indicators that China will rebound, so this gives us a general best-case timeline. Second, we know that the very best scientific minds in the world are working around the clock to address this crisis. Finally, the strong actions of state and local governments combined with the stimulus package which is moving through Congress as we speak will be of incredible help. All of these facts give me hope and confidence for the future.

Ecommerce is going to undergo many changes in the months to come—businesses of every size will be challenged to make the best decisions they can from wherever they stand. The public will continue to lean on the many benefits of ecommerce at this time, and it is now our work to live up to that promise.

Wishing you and your families the best health and the courage to continue facing the unknown with grace.

Rick Wilson

CEO | Miva, Inc.

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