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Grow Your Ecommerce Business With LinkedIn

Written by Miva | May 15, 2013

LinkedIn is one of the most powerful online tools to build your Ecommerce business.  With its network of over 225 million business professionals., there are endless opportunities to use this powerful social network to your business’ advantage.  According to a Forrester Research report, 75% of professionals said that they rely on social networks to make business decisions, and 65% of businesses said that they’ve acquired sales from LinkedIn.  Optimize your business profile on LinkedIn by using the following features, and drive new traffic to your Ecommerce store through this social networking platform.

Use Endorsements to Build Trust

Endorsements are a great feature on LinkedIn that make it easier to recognize and substantiate specific skills and expertise that your business already has.  You can utilize this feature on LinkedIn by getting endorsements from industry-related contacts and by exuding the trust that potential customers and clients are looking for.

Join the Discussion for Networking

LinkedIn groups can help you find new people to connect with from your industry.  In addition, you can use the groups feature to share your content or create your own group.  If you create your own group, you will have the ability to directly message members who join.  Be sure to position your business as a resource by sharing valuable content, rather than selling or spamming, in order to better connect with members in the groups.

Use Advanced Search to Find Vendors and Suppliers

LinkedIn Advanced Search can be a great tool for Ecommerce businesses looking to find new vendors and suppliers.  If you want to use the best industry keywords to find potential leads for your business, you can use Google’s keyword tool.


Gain Intel on the Competitors and Industry

LinkedIn’s Company Pages are a great way to gain industry knowledge that you wouldn’t be able to find elsewhere.  Company Pages can help you in tracking your competitor’s moves or industry trends much better than Facebook or Twitter are able to.  This information can be helpful in creating strategies to implement in the future, as well. 

Additionally, using Company Pages can also provide partnership opportunities with like-minded businesses.


Showcase Your Ecommerce Business

Company Pages can also be used as a resource to showcase your own Ecommerce Business.  You can highlight your products and services, engage with followers, share career opportunities, and drive word of mouth at scale.  Your potential customers are on LinkedIn exploring companies of interest, researching products and services, and looking for industry news, so why not meet them where they are at?


These LinkedIn features provide an excellent opportunity for you to connect with other businesses and potential customers online.  Utilize LinkedIn for your Ecommerce business, and you will see it grow to new heights.